Helping people to find & to follow jesus

It doesn't get any simpler than that ... but yet, it's not so simple. Sharing the Gospel is so transformative, it takes relationships ... it takes opportunities and outreach ... and, it takes YOU. If you feel called to be "ALL IN" to go "ALL OUT" and to reach the youth in our northern North Dakota city then please click here to take a look at the Youth Pastor Job Description. For any questions, contact us via e-mail.

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life under the northern lights

Perhaps you're already familiar with Minot or North Dakota, but in case this is new territory to you, there's a lot of adventure here. Minot is known as the Magic City due to its historic and unprecedented growth in 1886 during construction of the Great Northern Railway. The city literally sprang up overnight and has since then kept growing! There's opportunity for hiking, fishing, biking, sailing, snowshoeing, and gazing at the stars AND the northern lights!