National & International

United Mission of American Baptists

Regional Ministry of American Baptists in Dakotas

Central Baptist Seminary

Northern Baptist Seminary

Green Lake American Baptist Assembly

Taku and Katie Longkumer (NE India)

Kikongo Hospital (Congo)

Hand in Hand Ukrainian Mission

Centro Lavistida (Santiago de Cuba)

Jeni Pedzinski (Thailand)

Baptist World Alliance

Kodiak Baptist Mission (Alaska)

Cape Haitian Eye Clinic (Haiti)

White Cross

The American Baptist Women (ABW) of Immanuel Baptist Church contribute annually to the White Cross support program with material goods and cash gifts for the support of missionary work.

Through International Ministries, Overseas White Cross supports the work of our missionaries and missions partners in 19 countries around the world such as Bulgaria, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, Congo, Haiti, India, Philippines, and Thailand as they serve in programs of evangelism, education, community service, and medical care.

Through National Ministries, Overland White Cross provide important aid to 56 authorized sites. These sites include children's homes and Christian Center work in Alaska; ministries with Native Americans in Arizona, Nevada, Montana, and Oklahoma; Neighborhood Action Christian Centers in urban areas across the country; Race Track ministries; New Church plants; Asian and Hispanic ministries with community outreach programs; and churches in Puerto Rico.